Principal's Message

The institute named as SWAMI VIVEKANANDA RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE (S.V.R.C) Provides an ideal atmosphere for healthy academic pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. This institute is managed by sect under self finance scheme for both residental and day scholar programme.

Let me congratulate you on deciding to join our +2 Science college for pursuing your course of study. This prospectus, a brief introduction to our institution, speaks of those features that reaffirm our faith in and commitment to the essential task of nurturing your inherent talent for a prosperous and successful career in science education.

I am sure you will make the best use of the programme offered, facilities provided and opportunities here, in your interest. I am quite confident that you will address yourself to the task of learning with a tremendous sense of involvement and come out successful with flying colors in your cherished endeavor.

Let me greet you at the beginning of this journey towards the knowledge with magnificent success in contemporary science.